Friday, December 30, 2011

gratitude is the memory of the heart

you read my blog
comment on my posts
you come to my shows and openings
despite the weather (sometimes)
you put my work in your gallery
you buy my art
you share my work on your blog
and in print too
you cheer me on
you cheer me up
you allow me to
keep drawing, painting, and making
and for all this
i count my blessings and say
thank you!!!

happy new year!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

more rescued plates

i took a different approach to my piles of rescued plates this year. they are all hand painted/hand drawn originals. i hope they find some great homes.
happy thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

new work

more girls and bears. some of them here.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

thank you sarah!

thank you sarah for including my blog on her blog sarah draws things.  it's such a wonderful compliment!
visit her blog to see all her lovely work.

Friday, September 16, 2011

the ones2watch

issue #16 of the ones2watch is out. here are a few of the illustrations I did for this story called "beauty marks". you can see the rest here.
Photography by Dawn DiCarlo
Makeup by Michelle Mungcal @ Atelier Management

Hair by Tamami @ The Rex Agency using Aveda 
Model(s) Lisa-Marie, Rayne and Athena Wilson @ Ford LA, Marga and Lauren @ Photogenics

Monday, August 22, 2011

a tea towel dress

the super sweet and talented hannah from one yellow jumpsuit made my tea towel into a dress for her cute daughters.  it turned out so cute!  thanks hannah!

photos from one yellow jumpsuit.

Friday, July 29, 2011

thank you! and a coupon code

I just want to say thank you to everyone who came to  renegade. sorry this post is a little late. I am really grateful for the art support. it was so nice to see friendly faces and art and craft making friends. it was my first summer renegade show and I had a great time. special thanks to the best booth partner, upper metal class.
and thank you to you my blog readers, who take the time to leave me such sweet and encouraging comments. thank you so very much!

also to the lovely ladies from the finders keepers, it was awesome to meet you and thank you for sharing my work on your blog.
and for the first time ever...a coupon code for 30% off in my etsy shop.
enter at checkout: thankyou
coupon code expires midnight (pst) august 1.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

this weekend

renegade time. come by and say hello. i'm sharing a booth with upper metal class. yay!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

these girls are in the shop. i am slowly listing new work. 
congratulations to picnipic who won the giveaway at ana's blog. she has a cute etsy shop that you can visit here. thank you to all of you who entered and left such kind comments. you folks are awesome!
i am also happy to tell you all that this event raised tons of money! yay for music!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

interview and giveaway

the sweet and talented ana pina has interviewed me on her lovely blog. it is part of her interview series. you can read the interview here and enter the giveaway for this original called "this little love".
thank you ana for the kind words and for sharing my work.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

for VH1 Save the Music

i'm happy to be one of the artists involved in the Design for Humanity event. it benefits VH1 Save the Music. tickets are available here. here's a preview of the line up.

Monday, June 6, 2011

present in the post

i am feeling so happy to get such cute things in the post lately.  katie knitted me this cowl tube scarf made from recycled sari silk. i can't wait for it to get cold enough to wear. the colors are so pretty. read about her adventures in knitting, crafting and traveling here.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

super cute mail art

rhya draws a world of cute and clever. i was happy to receive her wolf zine (you know how i love wolves!) in the post.  she also makes "envelope dioramas" which are magical and creative. see more of her work here.

Monday, May 23, 2011

amazing art giveaway

i mentioned this amazing art giveaway in a previous post.  this is just a sample of the awesome art you could win.  i've contributed a new print and an original. it's happening on the 26th at cathy mcmurray's blog habit of art. mark your calendars. i wish i could enter. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

new work and an awesome art giveaway you should enter

new work in the shop.
i am also a part of an awesome instant art collection giveaway on cathy mcmurray's blog habit of art.  i'll post more but for a sneak peek visit here. you will want to enter this one.
and a lovely interview with maicen on her blog culture?.  she has a wonderful blog where she interviews and shares the work of many artists.