Thursday, March 31, 2011

the fox is black

hey there, danica and the fox is black. thank you for sharing my work. see the post here

pixel strands

i got this super necklace from katie at budpnq. (thanks katie!) i think it's perfect for spring and summer. i especially love the yellow.  here are some other necklaces available in her shop. they are brilliantly sold in pairs and trios and are in pretty combinations. layer away.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

missy prince

i can't decide which of missy prince's work to own. i would happily own all of these.  available in her shop. these are just a few of my favorites from a great selection.

Monday, March 28, 2011

photo tour

i've signed up for a million little pictures photomobile.  i haven't taken a single photo yet. there's still time to sign up at art house co-op.

makes you hungry

vintage and food inspired prints from StayGoldMedia. the top one is my favorite.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


read patrick tsai's personal diary of the 7 days following the earthquake and tsunami. via growing up.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

new work

this is what i've been painting. lots of arm raising.
and i'd like to thank editor gayle wheatley from culture vixen magazine for sharing my work.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

another one for japan

"craziness" is an original illustration. the entire sale of this original will be donated to the american red cross japan relief.
i read this comment on the red cross blog regarding japan relief:
I donated $2.24. That’s all my money. I am 5. I’m going to give a lot more money, because I can earn some money. I am going to give all my allowance. — Firefly
I taught my daughter about what the Red Cross does and she wanted to help.
— Her mom

way to go firefly.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

for japan

"all i have to give" is an original illustration. the entire sale of this original will be donated to the american red cross japan relief fund
"for hope" is an archival print. it is specially priced to raise funds for the red cross japan relief.
I am hoping to raise as much as I can to help japan. please help spread the word. thank you.
for more ways to help see this post on barbarana.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

cool ranch studio

a cute original and adorable pug! prints from caroline. yay! i am happy to own her work.

who's that cat?

this cute cat has been hanging out in the backyard. i don't know who she belongs to.

Friday, March 4, 2011


i am happy to have these pretty things from upper metal class.

covet garden

do you read covet garden? if you don't, grab a cup of tea and take a look. each issue is a visit to a home.