Wednesday, March 16, 2011

another one for japan

"craziness" is an original illustration. the entire sale of this original will be donated to the american red cross japan relief.
i read this comment on the red cross blog regarding japan relief:
I donated $2.24. That’s all my money. I am 5. I’m going to give a lot more money, because I can earn some money. I am going to give all my allowance. — Firefly
I taught my daughter about what the Red Cross does and she wanted to help.
— Her mom

way to go firefly.


  1. This little girl sounds like one awesome kid! I'm sure Firefly is an amazing mom! This is so heartwarming...I can't even find the words...

  2. Firefly is awesome!!!

    Also, I adore your illustration! She has the best expression and I love how chaotic her hair looks. It actually reminds me a bit of some of the disaster photos I've seen.


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